Well there was me thinking we were heading for a couple of weeks at Hotel GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) – just shows you that sometimes mum doesn’t know best! Beth’s lung function had dropped a bit over our past two outpatient visits and I was convinced that there must be something nasty lurking – she has never been productive before and is now managing to cough up some nice mucus (if there can be such a thing as nice mucus!) But the lovely CF nurse, Charlie, came out to see us and did all her usual checks and two weeks of oral antibiotics had sorted Beth out – lung function was back up to normal and no iv’s were necessary – hurrah! Here she is in the picture doing her lung function test.
It’s not only me and Beth that are delighted with this news (although we do enjoy the forced girly time, hospital isn’t the best way to spend the Easter holidays) the team at the CF Trust were pleased too. It certainly helps working for an understanding company when you have CF in the family – the unpredictability of the disease means that sometimes home life takes over, quite rapidly and without warning. I don’t think that the team were pleased that I, in particular, was going to be around – my bossy ways can be quite demanding – but leading up to a big campaign like CF Week is full on, for everybody and the more hands on deck the better. We have a lot of events happening at Head Office this year, it’s lovely to know that all of the CF Trust staff (not just the fundraising team) get involved in fundraising for families like ours, they are such a committed bunch of people. Have a look at the website to see more details of some of the events happening in Bromley (our Head Office) if you’re local feel free to pop in to the Big Cake Bake, we’d love to say hello! Or pop in with some recycling, a perfect way to get rid of your old rubbish while raising money for our favourite charity! If you want help organising a similar event of your own just give one of us a shout.
The family are busy working out plans for getting down to London on Marathon day (17 April) we’re cheering at mile 12, Tower Bridge, it was great fun last year and hopefully the weather will stay fine again this year, great for us, not so good for the runners! Harry, Jay and I will be on the early train, I have to bribe them with the promise of a bacon sarnie, Graham and Beth will follow on once all of the morning treatment is complete, mind you I reckon yelling at CF runners for a few hours must count as some physio! Maybe we’ll see some of you there.
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Speak soon,
Nikki x
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