Thursday, 15 November 2012

Sadie's Marathon effort

Sadie Mulvey has CF and is running the Virgin London Marathon 2013 in support of the CF Trust. She will be blogging regularly about her experiences so keep checking back to follow her progress!

To be running the most famous marathon in the world for Team CF with my family and friends there to watch me will be a phenomenal experience. Getting a Golden Bond Entry into the marathon was the easy part: suddenly the training I have always done to make sure that I keep my lungs as fit as possible just became very serious.

I want to give myself the best chance possible in not only finishing this bucket list entry, but to remain as injury free as possible. I emailed James Buckingham, owner of Precision Fitness and Performance in Exeter, asking if he would be able to support me with any training and nutrition advice and I could not believe it when he replied to say he would be delighted to help. I start with my personal trainer, Billy Wakeley, this week and he will be getting me ready for race day. No pressure Billy and thank you!

I was diagnosed with CF at the age of four, my younger sister, brother and cousin also have CF and the latter, Neil, is on the transplant list for new lungs. I will be 34 on the day of the Virgin London Marathon. If anyone had told me in my early days that I would be able to contemplate this sort of distance, I would have told them they had the wrong girl.

After long periods of illness as a child, I found exercise turned my health around and my trainers, the open roads and fresh air became my panacea. I am a huge advocate for physical activity in the battle against the bugs and in keeping a strong mind and body. This is going to be the biggest test I have ever put my fitness to but I am confident my determination will see me trotting over the finish line, and then people, it is party time!

I am overwhelmed with the generosity I have encountered on my journey to raise £5,000 for the CF Trust, and the encouraging messages. All news of my fundraising events will be posted on my charity page.

Sadie is being sponsored by Precision Fitness and Performance

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